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Use Entrust nShield HSMs to issue eIDAS compliant digital certificates, time stamps, or digital signatures.

Service providers who issue digital certificates, time stamps, or digital signatures can use Entrust nShield® HSMs as a part of an eIDAS compliant solution.

The European Union's Electronic Identification and Trust Services (eIDAS) regulation was developed to help establish a single European market for secure electronic commerce. For organizations that handle online transactions with European citizens, the eIDAS regulation presents significant opportunities, and also creates new requirements. Entrust nShield hardware security modules play a vital role in helping to secure eIDAS-compliant solutions.

Entrust nShield hardware security modules (HSMs) provide the root of trust

Entrust nShield HSMs provide the root of trust for cryptographic data protection systems with a tamper-resistant environment for generating and managing encryption and signing keys, and for running sensitive code.

Entrust nShield HSMs comply with eIDAS standards

nShield Solo+ and Connect + HSMs:

nShield Solo XC and Connect XC HSMs:

HSMs with these certifications are designed to ensure that digital signatures, time stamps, and other transactional data comply with cross-border standards, as spelled out in Article 51 (Transitional Measures) of the eIDAS regulation.

What does this certification mean to Entrust partners and customers?

Service providers who issue digital certificates, time stamps, or digital signatures can use Entrust nShield HSMs as a part of eIDAS compliant solutions. Customers using these solutions are compliant with these important standards.

How is Entrust nShield serving the eIDAS community?

Entrust is:

  • Integrating nShield HSMs with key partner applications
  • Helping enterprises implement solutions through comprehensive consulting services
  • Continuing to play a consultative role in developing EU trust standards

Entrust eIDAS Community Overview

Entrust proudly partners with industry leaders to deliver comprehensive and compliant solutions. See how Entrust nShield is helping partners deliver eIDAS compliant services.

eIDAS illustration


eIDAS is an EU regulation that establishes standards for electronic identities, authentication and signatures. The goal of the eIDAS Regulation is to encourage the creation of a single European market for secure electronic commerce.

The eIDAS Regulation applies to government bodies and businesses that provide online services to European citizens, and that recognize or use identities, authentication, or signatures.

The eIDAS regulation requires that government and public commercial services recognize standard signature formats and pan-European identities. This applies to services associated with tax statements, insurance contracts, banking agreements, business-to-business electronic invoicing and pharmaceutical records. It also applies to commercial services that require an EU identity, for example, so-called “know your customer” services in banking. In addition, any trust services associated with these activities will be regulated by eIDAS.


Entrust nShield Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) Serve as Root of Trust

Entrust nShield HSMs serve as the root of trust for cryptographic data protection systems by providing a tamper-resistant environment for generating and managing encryption and signing keys and for running sensitive code.

Entrust nShield HSMs Comply with eIDAS Standards

Entrust nShield HSMs have earned Common Criteria (CC) EAL4+ (AVA_VAN.5) certification, which recognizes nShield HSMs as Secure Signature Creation Devices (SSCDs). HSMs with this certification and SSCD recognition are compliant with the EU's eIDAS regulations designed to ensure that digital signatures, time stamps, and other transactional data comply with cross-border standards.

The Importance of Certification

Service providers can use Entrust nShield HSMs to issue digital certificates, time stamps, or digital signatures as a part of eIDAS compliant solutions.


eBook: The eIDAS Regulation for Dummies
eIDAS presents significant opportunities for businesses, but also creates new requirements. Download our eGuide to learn everything you need to know about the eIDAS Regulation, presented in an easy to read format.

The eIDAS Regulation for Dummies eBook

White Paper: The Impact of the European eIDAS Regulation
Download our white paper to dig deeper into the impact that eIDAS has on organizations that provide identification, signing and authentication services, as well as how certified Entrust nShield HSMs can help you comply with the Regulation.

The Impact of the European eIDAS Regulation White Paper

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